He would like to remind everyone taking the exams (and also taking our exams) to focus on what you can do and what you know and try not to place to much attention on things you think you can't do as well as you'd like to.
During your studies you will have practised a whole range of topics and may be surprised about how much you actually know.
One way to see this. Look through the list of labels on the right of this page. Just looking at the question types - review, article, informal letter, report and so on* - you can probably visualise one and know what makes it distinctive. You can think of some of the vocab and grammar that are typical of them. (*You probably know why we prefer "and so on" to the Spanish equivalent!)
So our general comment is - look on the postives, and try not to worry about negatives too much. You have gained new skills and understand new things - here's a chance to put them to good use.
Good luck!