
"It's the area 
that makes the difference 
to getting the highest results"

Welcome to our page helping you review and improve your use of vocabulary

1. Getting it into your head

The Internet is full if Links and methods - there are some British Council resources out there too.

"A little regular practice makes all the difference."

Word cards:

Mind maps: 


My Wordbook 
The British Council's app that lets you organise your vocabulary, using text, pictures and audio, and then test yourself with different activities 

make your own online flashcards and test yourself with lots of games and activities http://quizlet.com/

build your vocabulary by choosing authentic and recent news articles based on your language level and interests. 

2. Keeping it in mind

"Turn your book into a test!"

1 - Use a highlighter to underline new phrases and expressions - use those highlights to test yourself later in the course
2 - Use the plan of the book to identify key topic areas

Organise your vocabulary notes logically and, if your teacher uses one, a class vocabulary box. 

If not, try this:

1 - Create topic cards or pages:

Some examples of vocab cards.
  1. Put the topic at the top.
  2. Divide the card into sections: verbs, adjectives, nouns, phrasal verbs, common expressions, collocations
  3. Look through your notes and add to the categories. Mark if they are formal or informal. Add synonyms where possible. Add connected prepostions. At Advanced and Proficiency add collocated words. For the most difficult nouns or verbs you might add a translation too.
  4. Use the card next time you write on the topic
  5. Add new material to it as you find it or come across it.

3 Activate!

"If you don't use it, you'll lose it."

Work with someone you know outside class - or online by email, Facebook or Whatsapp!
  • choose a topic or unit from the coursebook 
  • explore the words you've chosen in any one of three contexts
  • Lexical 
  • Practical
  • Exam

You should be able to answer two or three of these questions for all your new words - but don't worry about every answer for every word!
  1. What does it mean?
  2. Is it formal or informal?
  3. Does it have connected prepositions?
  4. Do you know any synonyms for it?
  5. Does it have muliple meanings?
  6. Does it have different forms (So - Use of English: Word formation)
  7. Can you say the same idea in a different way (So - Sentence transformation)


"Put things into conversation!" 

You need to use the language not just study it! You need a partner to make the most of this. Use basic questions you can insert words in - then chat!
  • Have you ever [verb]...?
  • Do you know someone who is  [adjective]?
  • Would you like....?
  • Can you ....?
  • How many/much/often...
  • Do you think..?
  • If you... would you...?
C Exam

"You've got to show what you know 
to improve your results"

Think about -
  • Will I read it or hear it?
  • Where can I use it? Speaking or writing? Formal or informal? Which types of writing activity is it good for? Which topics does it help me describe?
  • Where could they test me on it? Which part of Use of English?

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